Destiny 2’s Season of the Lost is in full swing, and as the release of 2022’s Witch Queen expansion approaches, the PVP meta continues to shift. Here are the top ten weapons in Trials of Osiris and Control, as of October 10.
One of the things that keeps many Destiny 2 players engaged with the hit looter shooter is obtaining powerful loot, and then taking their hard-earned armaments into the Crucible to test them out against other Guardians.
With hundreds of weapons on offer, the Destiny 2 meta is constantly evolving. Between seasonal artifact mods, new weapon releases, and sandbox changes courtesy of Bungie, there seems to always be something new and exciting to try out in PVP.
Now, with the help of the tried-and-true community tool Destiny Tracker, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten weapons in both Trials of Osiris and Control, so you can make sure you have the proper guns equipped before heading into the Crucible.

Destiny 2 weapon tier list: top 10 Trials of Osiris weapons
10. Adored

Finding its way back into the top ten Trials weapons is Adored. Beyond Light’s original Pursuit weapon, this Adaptive-Frame sniper remains one of the best in the game, and with perk options like Killing Wind, Snapshot Sights, and Vorpal Weapon, there’s a good reason it’s still so popular.
9. Riiswalker

The Riiswalker shotgun remains a popular pick amongst Trials of Osiris players. One of the new rewards added to Iron Banner during Season of the Splicer, this Lightweight Frame is one of the best shotguns in the game, especially if you can land a roll with the deadly Iron Reach perk.
8. The Palindrome (Adept)

With 140 RPM hand cannons dominating the Season 15 meta, you’ll see plenty of Palindromes in Trials each weekend. An exclusive Nightfall reward, obtaining the coveted Adept version will take plenty of effort from a coordinated fireteam, but it’s well worth the grind to acquire it.
7. Fractethyst

Introduced in Season of the Lost, the Fractethyst is a Precision Frame shotgun that offers a fresh alternative to competitors like Felwinter’s Lie. With the ability to roll perk combos like Slideshot + Opening Shot, this is definitely a weapon worth chasing if you thrive on close-quarters combat.
6. Main Ingredient

The Main Ingredient is hailed by many players as the penultimate fusion rifle for PVP, particularly Trials. With the ability to counter rushing shotgunners and reach an impressive range with the right perks, it’s an excellent choice for the 3v3 game mode.
5. Felwinter’s Lie

Despite Bungie’s best attempts to curb its dominance of close-range engagements, Felwinter’s Lie cannot be tamed. Even after significant nerfs, its stats combined with perk options like Slideshot, Surplus, and Opening Shot keep this weapon firmly cemented as a top-tier shotgun.
4. Ace of Spades

Despite being nearly three years old, the trusty Ace of Spades continues to dominate the kinetic weapon slot. With an incredible combination of perks, you can proc Momento Mori to increase your damage, and High-Caliber Rounds can flinch your enemy’s aim and help you win duels with nearly any weapon.
3. The Messenger

Dropping down from its previous number-one spot, The Messenger is still a deadly option for your Trials loadout. With one of the best perk pools in the game, including the coveted Desperado perk, if you can obtain a god-roll Messenger your opponents won’t even stand a chance.
2. The Chaperone

The Chaperone is an extremely powerful choice for players with an eye for precision. Its impressive base range combined with The Roadborn perk enables you to take down Guardians at extreme distances, making it the perfect counter for aggressive shotgun rushers.
1. Vex Mythoclast

The Vex Mythoclast continues to hold the coveted number-one spot in Destiny 2’s Trials of Osiris meta. While Auto Rifles aren’t typically high up in the PVP meta, Vex is an outlier due to its impressive stats and dual auto/fusion rifle firing modes.
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After releasing in a fairly underwhelming state, Bungie buffed the Vault of Glass raid exotic and turned it into a fearsome weapon. If you’ve been lucky enough to acquire the Vex, you should absolutely be using it.
Most popular Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris weapons (%)
- Vex Mythoclast (4.97%)
- The Chaperone (4.32%)
- The Messenger (4.31%)
- Ace of Spades (3.93%)
- Felwinter’s Lie (3.24%)
- Main Ingredient (3.06%)
- Fractethyst (2.75%)
- The Palindrome (Adept) (2.59%)
- Riiswalker (2.29%)
- Adored (2.28%)
Now that we’ve wrapped that up, here are the top ten meta weapons you should be taking into Destiny 2’s Control playlist.
Destiny 2 weapon tier list: Top 10 Control weapons
10. Lorentz Driver

After releasing in Season of the Lost as a somewhat broken gun, Bungie nerfed the Lorentz Driver to take it down a notch. Despite the reduction in power, this exotic linear fusion rifle remains a deadly option for Guardians with good aim, particularly those taking a controller into battle.
9. Thorn

Despite dropping down a few spots, Thorn remains a top-ten pick in the Control meta — and for good reason. Its ability to damage opponents over time and chain kills to increase Mark of the Devourer’s effectiveness make this an incredibly deadly option.
8. The Messenger

Already a staple in Trials, there’s nothing stopping The Messenger from dominating Control lobbies either. If you have a roll with Desperado, the higher number of potential victims allows you to keep the perk procced almost indefinitely — and the enemy team will find it hard to keep up with your firepower.
7. Riiswalker

The Riiswalker is another weapon that continues to hold a spot in both the Control and Trials of Osiris metas. You’ll need to spend some time in Iron Banner to acquire a good roll, but with perks like Quickdraw, Surplus, Slideways, and Iron Reach, it’s well worth the time investment.
6. The Palindrome (Adept)

After making its way into the Trials meta last week, The Palindrome has also seen a surge in usage within Control. You’ll need to farm a few Nightfalls to get your hands on one, but as one of the best hand cannons in the game, it’s definitely worth the effort.
5. Vex Mythoclast

While using the Vex in Trials is more than viable, taking the weapon into Destiny’s 6v6 playlist can be an absolute delight. With more targets available, you can activate the gun’s alternate linear fusion rifle firing mode more often, allowing you to lay waste to opponents both near and far.
4. Felwinter’s Lie

Felwinter’s Lie has finally been unseated from its throne as the king of shotguns in Control. Despite a dip in usage, this weapon is still formidable in close-range fights, and its one-hit kill potential keeps it viable in the face of other stiff competition from other shotguns.
3. The Chaperone

It requires a careful hand to use effectively, but if you’re able to land your headshots and chain kills to activate the weapon’s Roadborn perk, The Chaperone can run through entire Control lobbies — as long as you don’t run out of Special ammo along the way.
2. Fractethyst

Knocking Felwinter’s Lie out of the number-two spot is the Fractethyst. Its precision frame doesn’t provide the overwhelming firepower that Felwinter’s is known for, but its perk pool can land you some perfect rolls for the 6v6 playlist, making it an absolute terror on smaller maps in particular.
1. Ace of Spades

Seemingly impossible to unseat from its throne, the Ace of Spades remains the king of Control. A higher volume of enemies in 6v6 means you can activate its deadly Momento Mori perk more often, chaining together damage for some impressive streaks.
In addition, its Firefly trait allows you to explode enemies by landing headshots, making the weapon absolutely deadly for grouped-up opponents trying to capture a control point. It’s really no wonder that the weapon sits atop Destiny 2’s 6v6 meta.
Most popular Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris weapons (%)
- Ace of Spades (3.36%)
- Fractethyst (3.2%)
- The Chaperone (2.9%)
- Felwinter’s Lie (2.62%)
- Vex Mythoclast (2.28%)
- The Palindrome (Adept) (2.03%)
- Riiswalker (1.99%)
- The Messenger (1.79%)
- Thorn (1.64%)
- Lorentz Driver (1.63%)
And there you have it: the top ten weapons for both Trials of Osiris and Control. Keep an eye on this page to make sure you’re up-to-date on the best PVP weapons to use in Destiny 2‘s constantly evolving meta.
The post Best Destiny 2 PVP weapons: meta weapon tier list for Trials of Osiris & Control appeared first on Dexerto.