Destiny 2’s pinnacle PVP activity, Trials of Osiris, has finally returned to the Crucible. Here’s everything you need to know about the Trials of Osiris map you’ll be battling across and the rewards that are up for grabs this week (October 15).
Destiny 2’s Season of the Lost is off to a solid start, but there was one big absence for the new content’s first two weeks – Trials of Osiris. Thankfully, it returned in September, and that means you’ll be able to jump into sweaty PvP matches — with a new set of changes.
Although the playlist has struggled with issues like cheaters, account recovery services, and technical issues within the broader Destiny 2 experience, Bungie has rolled out some fresh tweaks this season to improve it.
Read More: Destiny 2’s Trials of Osiris revamp was worth the wait
Here’s a super quick rundown of what you can expect in Season of the Lost:
- Trials will only be available to players that own the latest annual expansion (Beyond Light)
- You can keep playing once you’ve accrued three losses and still earn gear (although Trials will only offer its best rewards to Flawless runs)
- PC players will now notice BattlEye anti-cheat is in effect
- Perhaps the biggest change is that Trials of Osiris will now offer matchmaking
As Trials of Osiris returns to the Destiny 2 directory for another weekend, we have the run-down on everything you need to know in order to prepare yourself for the competition, including the map you’ll be playing on and all the rewards that are up for grabs.
- Trials of Osiris map this week (October 15 to October 19)
- Trials of Osiris rewards this week (October 15 to October 19)
- Trials of Osiris Passages explained
- Trials of Osiris weekly Destiny 2 reset

Trials of Osiris map this week (October 15 – 19)
As of 10 AM PDT/6 PM BST on Friday, October 15 the Trials of Osiris map is Bannerfall.
Destiny 2 fan and graphic designer Relikt has put together a series of great callout maps, check out the Bannerfall one below.

- Read More: Destiny 2: Where is Xur this week?
Trials of Osiris rewards this week (October 15 – 19)
Now that you have the scoop on this week’s Trials of Osiris map, you’ll want to know what loot is in store for those brave enough to enter the playlist.
Rather than the usual 3, 5, 7, and Flawless win thresholds required for rewards, players will no longer earn specific weapon drops. In fact, you’ll now earn Trials Engrams for leveling up your reputation with Saint-14 in the Tower’s Hangar.
- Reputation Rank 10 – Eye of Sol (Kinetic sniper rifle). Once you’ve reset your reputation, you can earn The Messenger (Kinetic pulse rifle)
- Reputation Rank 16 – Igneous Hammer (Solar hand cannon). Once you’ve reset your reputation, you can earn Sola’s Scar (Solar sword)
- Flawless run – Eye of Sol (Adept) (Kinetic sniper rifle)
Once a Trials of Osiris reward has been unlocked, you can re-roll for the cost of a Trials engram – meaning farming rolls has never been easier.
- Read More: How to claim Destiny 2 Prime Gaming rewards
Don’t forget, though, you can get better gear with higher stat rolls through going Flawless. Rank 10 and Rank 16 Trials Reputation will also guarantee weapon drops.
Once the Witch Queen arrives, you’ll need to buy it to take part in Trials of Osiris going forward.

Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Passages explained
With the playlist revamp in Season 15, Trials of Osiris also underwent some changes to its Passages (or Cards). These quest items grant you access to the Trials playlist each weekend, and there are some important changes to note under the new system:
- Passages no longer track losses
- Each Passage is either Flawless or not, which allows you to keep playing and earning rewards regardless of how many losses you suffer
- Players can still reset their Passage after a loss, but are no longer forced to do so after hitting three losses on their card
- Passages now track up to 20 rounds won
- All Passages have had their prices significantly reduced
- Passages are now account-wide, meaning you can play and earn rewards on any of your characters using the same Passage

These changes, and what they mean for you when gearing up for the playlist, can be pretty confusing. Fortunately, we have a breakdown of each Passage, what it does, and which one might be right for you:
- Passage of Mercy: This Passage forgives one loss per run
- If your goal is to make it all the way to the Lighthouse, this is the Passage for you. You’ll get one free loss without needing to reset your card and start from scratch
- Passage of Ferocity: This Passage grants you a bonus win after reaching three wins on your card
- Usually the next choice behind Mercy for Flawless runs, this will allow you to skip an entire match on your way to the Lighthouse — but, you won’t have the loss forgiveness that comes with Mercy
- Passage of Wealth: This Passage grants increased Trials Rank points from reaching 3, 5, and 7 match wins
- If you’re more focused on farming Trials rewards, and aren’t concerned about going Flawless, this is the card for you. With the new Trials reputation system, the Passage of Wealth will bump up your rank with Saint-14 more quickly than any other card
- Passage of Confidence: This Passage grants a bonus reward from the Flawless chest, but you can only acquire this card after already going Flawless that week
- If you’re confident about your skills and have a solid fireteam to play with, the Passage of Confidence can help you rack up more rewards at the Lighthouse, but is arguably the most difficult Passage to play
Picking the right Passage for you (and your teammates, if you plan on entering Trials with a pre-made fireteam) will go a long way towards making sure you get the most out of your time in the playlist each weekend.

Trials of Osiris weekly Destiny 2 reset
Trials of Osiris goes live each week on Friday at daily reset (10 A.M. PDT / 1 P.M. EDT / 5 P.M. GMT / 7 P.M. CET) and will remain active in the Crucible directory until Destiny 2’s weekly reset on the following Tuesday.
Before diving into the competition, you’ll need to make a stop at the Tower’s Hangar and talk to Saint-14, the Destiny 2 vendor who oversees Trials. He’ll be your main source of bounties and rewards throughout the week, and the person who provides each of your Trials Passages.
- Read More: When is crossplay coming to Destiny 2?
There you have it, that’s everything you need to know about the Trials of Osiris map and rewards for this week. Make sure to jump into the playlist with a couple of your buddies before next week’s reset puts the game mode on its typical hiatus.
The post Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris map & rewards this week (October 15 – 19) appeared first on Dexerto.