
How to get Panther statue in GTA Online Cayo Perico heist worth $2m


How to get Panther statue in GTA Online Cayo Perico heist worth $2m
Panther statue gta online cayo perico reward

The Panther statue is the most lucrative target in the Cayo Perico heist, with plenty of GTA Online fans confused about how and when to get it. Here’s what you need to know – because it’s been set live in-game as a guaranteed reward. 

The majority of Grand Theft Auto Online’s have had a pretty linear structure. You identify a target, charge in, and steal it before evading the police and getting out of there.

That changed with the Diamond Casino heist as Rockstar Games added a few little wrinkles in terms of how you approach the robbery. They took things up a notch with Cayo Perico as well, letting you perform the heist as a solo player.

One thing that the two heists have in common is the fact that you can go after different targets. In the Diamond Casino heists, actual diamonds are the best thing you can go after, whereas that regard goes to the Panther statue in Cayo Perico.

The statue was added as guaranteed rewards to the Cayo Perico heist just days after Rockstar Games announced a new Summer Update for GTA Online. Now, let’s take a look at how to get it.


cayo perico heist with dr dre
Rockstar Games
The Cayo Perico heist has some interesting rewards, including the panther statue.

How to get Black Panther statue in GTA 5 (May 2021)

Unfortunately, on May 27, the Black Panther statue was disabled in the Cayo Perico Heist with the latest weekly update, Rockstar will no doubt add it back into the game in the near future, but for the time being, all we can do is wait.

Keep in mind, getting your hands on either target is not easy. You have to wait for Rockstar Games to make them live, and that only comes during a special event week. Though, some players have used exploits to get them early too.

Valentines Day was the first time Diamonds had an increased chance of appearing in the Casino heist. And that looks to be the case with the Panther Statue. Just select the statue as your target, and hop into the heist.

  1. Select the Panther Statue as your heist target (when its live)
  2. Select your approach for the Cayo Perico heist
  3. Jump into the heist
  4. Steal the statue!

GTA Online Cayo Perico heist targets and values

These are the targets for the GTA Online Cayo Perico heist, including necklaces, pink diamonds, and more.

  • Sinsimito Tequila – $900K Normal / $990K
  • Hard Ruby Necklace – $1M Normal / $1.1M
  • Hard Bearer Bonds – $1.1M Normal / $1.21M
  • Hard Pink Diamond – $1.3M Normal / $1.43M
  • Hard Panther Statue – $1.73M Normal / $1.9M Hard

How much is the Panther statue worth in GTA Online?

The Cayo Perico Panther statue is worth up to $1.9 million in Grand Theft Auto 5, when you select ‘Hard’ as the difficulty.

This makes it one of the most lucrative heist opportunities when live.

How to change GTA Online heist target

GTA Online cayo perico target
Rockstar Games
Looking to change your target in GTA Online heists?

To change your target, follow these simple steps. Repeat this process until you get the Panther statue, and you’re already halfway there!

  1. Drop into GTA Online.
  2. Visit your Heist setup room.
  3. Start the Cayo Perico heist.
  4. Fly across the map in the Velum plane, before starting the minigame to pick your target.
  5. Check out your Cayo Perico target.
  6. If it’s not a Panther statue or Pink Diamond target – restart the mission.

For more GTA Online guides and tips, check out our list below:

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The post How to get Panther statue in GTA Online Cayo Perico heist worth $2m appeared first on Dexerto.


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