Ninja proves he’s back to his best with insane Fortnite trick shot

Ninja proves he’s back to his best with insane Fortnite trick shot
ninja fortnite blue shirt

Twitch star Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins has seen a massive resurgence on the streaming platform since Fortnite has been back in the spotlight, and went viral with an incredible trick shot using a Shockwave Grenade.

Twitch’s original superstar, Ninja, is back on top.

With Fortnite returning to relevance via the removal of building, the 30-year-old streamer has seen a nice bump in viewership as he’s been broadcasting a ton of the Battle Royale since the changes.

Now, he’s gone viral hitting an absolutely insane shot that clutched the match out.

Ninja in Red Bull jacket with Fortnite building in background
Red Bull/Epic Games
Ninja is still the most followed streamer on all of Twitch.

Ninja hits crazy Fortnite bounce shot

The streamer was live playing Fortnite with SypherPK and CouRage when he won the round for his squad.

Ninja was on top of the hill near The Fortress when he used a Shockwave Grenade to launch himself up high, then landed above the last opponent and blasted them away with the Striker Pump Shotgun.

Shockwave Grenades can boost players up in the air and are one of the only remaining items in the game now that can help players obtain the high ground on their opponents.

The clutch shot ended the round and hyped up the entire team as Ninja shouted, “Holy S**t!”

Blevins has had high praise for Chapter 3 Season 2 of Fortnite, but said Epic Games needs to “cater” to no-build players to maintain its refound relevance.

The company answered Ninja’s call and has since made Zero Build mode permanent to the game.

Although his own teammate Sypher critiqued the mode, saying it “needs more” to be a long-term game mode, it certainly has helped the Battle Royale return to the limelight.

The post Ninja proves he’s back to his best with insane Fortnite trick shot appeared first on Dexerto.
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